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Auditing, VAT, Accounting & Business Consultancy Services in UAE
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What is a Tax Agency and why is it vital for your business compliance?

Taxation Services, 2023-09-11

Whether you are establishing your business in UAE or you are an old businessman having many businesses in UAE. It’s obvious you will understand tax rules and you will be aware of the
tax agent in dubai for filing your financial records each year. Today, we will explore why a tax agent in dubai available by any tax agency is important for your business compliance:-

The VAT system is new in the UAE and FTA wants to be optimistic and ensure the vision of UAE businesses are handled with Tax regulations.

What is a Tax Agency?


A tax agency is a type of firm that helps with financial management for businesses and companies. However, a firm must have at least one FTA-accredited certification. A tax agency has a lot of benefits:-


Analysis of your business annually in financial terms.

Calculation of Profit and Loss of a financial year.

Providing tax benefits and rebates for your business.

Filing your VAT each fiscal year for your company.


What is a Tax Agent? 


A tax agent is a person registered with the Federal Tax Authority or FTA in the UAE who can represent and assist another person in fulfilling their tax obligations and exercising their tax rights. Some of the benefits of using a tax agent in the UAE are:-


A tax agent follows the tax laws and regulations in the UAE, such as VAT, excise tax, and corporate income tax.

It can help you can help you prepare and file your tax returns, as well as handle any queries or disputes with the FTA.
They can help you avoid any penalties or fines that may arise from non-compliance or errors in your tax filing yearly.

It can help you optimize your tax position and take benefit of any tax exemptions, deductions, or incentives that may be available to you.


Where to find a Tax agency in UAE? 


If you are looking for a tax agent in the UAE, you can consider contacting MA Auditing for a tax agent in Dubai for your help and assurance. 


Finally, you will get an understanding of tax agency and why it is important for your business. Are you looking for a tax agent in the UAE or any tax agency like MA Auditing will help you with it? Consider connecting with us for further details! We will make sure your business is always on track in financial terms.

MA Auditing AUTHOR
Office No. 1802, 18th Floor 48 Burj Gate Downtown - Dubai-UAE


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